Our Story
Dare to Risk
The Radical Chronicles
Our journey started in 2015, when our curiosity and passion for good beer led us to try our hand in homebrewing. We wanted to experience the thrill of homebrewing to its fullest and we accomplished that by opting for the all-grain process, instead of the easier alternative of extract brewing, as well as creating our own recipe from the get-go! Limited by the lack of homebrewing stores in Cyprus at the time but maintaining a fully DIY mindset, we assembled our brewing equipment, consisting of a big ice box, a kettle and an olive storage container. With some craftmanship and after a lot of research, our first beer was ready: an extremely tasteful Amber Ale.

We fell in love with brewing from the very first moment, and it wasn’t long before we started dreaming about opening our own brewery! As our confidence in our skills increased by brewing more beer styles and improving our brewing techniques, our thirst to become part of the growing and inspiring craft brewing industry only grew. The overwhelming support we received from our local homebrewing and craft beer scene kept motivating us, and in 2019 we were ready to take the next step. Radical Way Brewing came to life.
Since then, we have been constantly pushing our boundaries by exploring different tastes, ingredients and methods as well as researching and keeping up to date with the latest developments in the craft beer world. In 2020 we released the first Cypriot craft beer in a can, introducing this superior packaging method to the local scene. Amidst all the struggles that 2020 brought with it we expanded our reach to Greece, which is now the new location where our beers are being brewed.
Our goal is to BREW beers that we love to drink, CHANGE your perspective of what makes an enjoyable beer, while having fun our way, the RADICAL way. Because beer is so much more than a tasteless, bland beverage... and we are here to prove it!